
The broad and balanced curriculum at Lorton School is progressive, skills based, rich in vocabulary and in knowledge and is approached through the CUSP Curriculum (Curriculum by Unity Schools Partnership). This is based on the Key Stage 1 & 2 National Curriculum. In addition, we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, Twinkl phonics scheme, Accelerated Reader, Hamilton Maths, PE Passport and JIGSAW PSHE.

We use these documents to inform our choices about content and curriculum sequencing that is systematically planned to ensure effective learning and progression throughout the school. Children are taught in a fun and engaging way that suits the individual needs of each child, promotes deep learning across all subjects and gives children the opportunity to grow to be successful, confident and resilient.

Our school has strong community links and sits in a wonderful location in the Lorton Valley which influences the teaching and learning. Their natural curiosity about their local environment is fostered through a creative and ambitious curriculum which excites and challenges. Every year, children have the opportunity to stay overnight in our local area; using the local environment to enrich the Geography curriculum.

We also use other experiences to enhance the curriculum that we deliver. For further information on our enhancement experiences, please see below.

Our curriculum nurtures and prepares children educationally, socially, morally and physically for their continuing learning journey where doors will be opened, rather than closed, to future success.


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