Daily Routine
Currently our school day runs from 8.45am - 3.15pm
Breakfast Club is available from 7.50am every day and costs £3. This includes cereal, fruit and yogurt.
Children and parents are welcome in school from 8.30am. At that time, a member of staff will greet children into school.
At 8.45am a bell will ring to call children to their classrooms for register. Registers are taken before each class is brought to assembly in the pavilion.
School ends for everyone at 3.15 pm.
Children making use of local authority transport are sent by their teacher to gather in the entrance hall where a member of staff, will complete a check list before taking the children out. Once these children have left the entrance hall, teachers can release their classes. All other children are collected from the school yard. Children not collected know to wait with their teacher at the main door.
Staff are available for informal meetings at the end of every day, unless they are required for other meetings.